
Books I want to write

I’ve always been a fan of books even though technical books regularly suffer from falling out of date. Books are still a better comprehensive resource than wikis because they are written with a consistent voice and reader in mind and are (usually) edited better.

That said, the books I write will always be free online with paper equivalents in print (like No Starch Press).

  1. Knowledge Exchange Graphs: Manage Knowledge Like Software with KEG
  2. Terminal Velocity: Mastering the Fastest Human-Computer Interface
  3. Bonzai, Building Stateful Command Tree Interfaces with Go
  4. Autodidactic, How to Succeed as a Knowledge Worker
  5. Good to Gig, Surviving the “Radical” New Sharing Economy
  6. Programming with Purpose: Coding for Self-Empowerment
  7. Works for Me, Modern Collaborative Developer Practices
  8. PEGN: Parsing Expression Grammar Notation
  9. SKILSTAK, Learning to Help Others Learn
  10. There and Never Back Again, A Former Mormon’s Tale
  11. Prone to Pride, Overcoming the Greatest Sin
  12. A Code Wizard’s First Spell Book