
Go Anonymous Struct Gotchas

Just ran into a very weird problem that I do not understand at all. I just accept the resolution for now. It involves dealing with anonymous structs (which, I’m discovering, are far more magic than I have ever appreciated).

The following Bonzai Call (from web) works:

	Call: func(_ *Z.Cmd, args ...string) error {
		data := &struct{ Name string }{}
		req := web.Req{URL: args[0], Data: data}
		if err := req.Submit(); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

Here’s the output:

$ web get https://api.github.com/repos/rwxrob/z/releases/latest

This one doesn’t:

	Call: func(_ *Z.Cmd, args ...string) error {
		req := web.Req{URL: args[0], Data: &struct{ Name string }{}}
		if err := req.Submit(); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

It won’t even compile. Can’t resolve the Name field for some reason:

./web.go:56:24: req.Data.Name undefined (type any has no field or method

I’ve tried lots of iterations on this with different casting. Nothing seems to work. But setting the var to the anon struct early on does work.

By the way, you cannot define an actual struct type within a Call because Go doesn’t allow anything but anonymous anything within function/method block (and for good reason, otherwise people would dynamically change types and methods all over the place).

#golang #coding #tip #structs #anonymous